Pension knowledge

Can creditors take your pension?

Can creditors take your pension?

Money is tight for many UK residents right now. The cost-of-living crisis has seen various bills skyrocket, which has put a squeeze on finances. Yet this isn’t resulting in people only having to put luxury purchases to one side – it can also see them struggling to pay for everything from food to energy. The...
Is it worth consolidating pensions?

Is it worth consolidating pensions?

Have you had several jobs over the years? In that case, it is likely you have built up several pension pots. Many have followed the same path. However, there is one aspect of this you want to avoid: forgotten or lost pension pots. With so many pots spread around, it is easy for some of...
Can I get my pension contributions back?

Can I get my pension contributions back?

Do you have regrets about the pension scheme you have signed up for? Perhaps money is tight, and you require some quick funds? There are various reasons why you might be looking into getting your pension contributions back. Yet is it possible? Can I get my pension contributions back? If you’re wondering if it’s possible...
Do you pay national insurance on a private pension?

Do you pay national insurance on your private pens …

As you likely already know, National Insurance is a type of tax that is deducted from your earnings. While this is the situation when it comes to your salary or self-employment profits, you might be wondering if you pay national insurance on your private pension. This guide has the answer. Do you pay National Insurance...
Can a Private Pension Be Passed Onto a Child?

Can a private pension be passed onto a child?

Are you looking to help out one of your children with their monetary needs? Perhaps you want to provide your loved ones with a financial gift? You might be looking towards your private pension as the answer and wondering if a private pension can be passed onto a child, but there are various points you...
Do you lose your pension if you get fired?

Do you lose your pension if you get fired?

Various thoughts will fly through your mind if you’re unfortunate enough to be fired. Where will you find another job? What will you do for money? How could it affect your mental health? Even with so much going on, there’s another question that needs answering: Do you lose your pension if you get fired? What...
Pension Lifetime Allowance UK Budget 2023

Lifetime Pension Allowance boost expected in the 2 …

According to recent reports, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is considering an increase in the lifetime allowance for pension savings in the upcoming budget. The move is expected to encourage people to stay in work for longer and benefit millions of workers, particularly those in higher-paying jobs such as doctors and consultants. Currently, the lifetime allowance stands...
Are contractors entitled to a pensions?

Are contractors entitled to a pension?

Pensions can be confusing for those not in standard employment. This is the case for contractors. Even though they are familiar with managing their own money, there are still certain financial aspects that are unclear. One such aspect is if they are entitled to a pension. If you’re a contractor and wondering where you stand,...
Are contractors entitled to a pension? Pensions for IT contractors

Pensions for IT contractors

As an IT contractor, have you ever thought about pensions and your future once you reach retirement age? While you are used to balancing the books as a contractor, it is easy to overlook the financial responsibility of managing your own pension. So what are the best pensions for IT contractors? A workplace pension uses...