Let's Talk Money: iSIPP Supports Talk Money Week 2023

Let's Talk Money: iSIPP Supports Talk Money Week 2023

Talk Money Week 2023

Talk Money Week 2023 has kicked off this week (6-10th November 2023) . This annual public awareness campaign encourages open conversations about personal finances and financial wellbeing. At iSIPP, we strongly support this initiative and believe financial literacy and transparency are key.

Despite money being on many people’s minds, talking about finances remains difficult. Research shows over half of UK adults find money stressful or hard to discuss. This prevents people from making informed choices and building financial resilience. Knowledge is essential for wise money management.

That’s why Talk Money Week promotes money talks on topics like budgeting, debt, pensions, goals and more. iSIPP is proud to back this campaign. We want to empower people to invest in their futures.

This year’s theme is “Do One Thing” – taking a small step to improve your financial health. Actions can be simple, like updating pension details, teaching children about pocket money, or using MoneyHelper tools. Any action that sparks money conversations helps.

Here are a few things you can do regarding pensions:

At iSIPP, we believe open communication is key for financial confidence. Talk Money Week gives people the support and motivation they need to start money talks. Let’s break taboos and work together to improve financial wellbeing across the UK. iSIPP encourages everyone to do one thing this week to take control of their finances.



The content of this article is for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial or taxation advice. You should not rely on the information contained in this article as legal, financial or taxation advice. The content of this article is based on information currently available to us, and the current laws in force in the UK. The content does not take account of individual circumstances and may not reflect recent changes in the law since the date it was created. It is essential that detailed financial and tax advice should be sought in both jurisdictions and any legal advice, if required.

This notice cannot disclose all the risks associated with the products we make available to you. When making your own investment decisions it is important you understand that all investments can fall as well as rise in value and it is possible you may get back less than what you have paid in. You should also be satisfied that any investments you choose are suitable for you in the light of your circumstances and financial position. You should seek financial advice if you are not sure of what’s best for your situation.

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